Courtney and Travis’ Granby Colorado Destination Wedding

Courtney and Travis’ destination wedding in Granby, CO was one for the history books! These two sweethearts are so in love with each other, you guys. I teared up so many times during our time together! Their whole family teamed up to put together this flawless celebration filled with DIY details and lots of love.

Venue: The Lodge at Crestview Ranch
Flowers: The Stalk Market
HAMU: Megan Cary Artistry

Now for some Q&A from the lovely bride, Courtney…

How did you and your husband meet? 

Travis and I have known each other awhile. Growing up Travis hung out with my older brother Steven so we had always known of each other and we had mutual friends, but that was pretty much it. When I was in college I was invited to hang out with a bunch of friends and little did I know the cute Klaty guy Travis was going to be there. That night Travis and I spent a lot of time together talking and catching up on life. The next day he texted me and we planned our first date and from there we were inseparable.

How did he propose?

During my last semester of college I did part of my student teaching abroad in Sweden and I was gone for six weeks. Travis and I had spent every single weekend together and knew this was going to be hard to be apart from each other. Once I got back we both knew we didn’t ever want to be without each other and we talked about marriage a lot. We went to look at rings once and I thought for sure he was going to propose soon, but I was wrong. On a Monday night in February Travis came home from work and he asked if I wanted to go on a walk around the lake. I said yes and told him I needed to get ready and put some warm clothes on because it was super cold. A couples minutes later I was ready to go and I went to see if Travis was ready. I couldn’t find him in the house and when I went outside his car was gone so I waited inside. When he got back I asked where he went and he said he had to put air in his tire (which I found out later was not true). We started our walk around the lake and we started walking past a park and he told me we should go by the park. As we started walking closer I could see something glowing. When we got closer I saw it was candles in mason jars in the shape of a heart and I instantly knew what was happening. Before I knew it Travis was down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I was overjoyed and of course crying and I said YES!

What is your advice for other future brides when planning their wedding?

My advice for future brides planning a wedding is to savor the moment. There is so much time, effort, and sometimes tears that go into planning a wedding, but it goes by so quick and you don’t want to miss out on planning such a special day with your favorite person. Try and make it as least stressful as possible and find excitement and fun in the planning process. Sometimes things may not go as planned, but just always remember what’s most important which is marrying the person you love.

What was your favorite part about planning your wedding?

My favorite part about planning our wedding was finding a perfect destination wedding and getting all our close family members and friends to be there. Travis and I are such adventurous people and we absolutely love the mountains. I loved being able to plan a wedding that fit our personalities and what we love.

Why did you choose Colorado for your wedding?

Travis and I knew we wanted to have a destination wedding and find a place all our close family members could all stay together. We chose Colorado because we love the mountains and the outdoors. We were able to spend 4 days with all our close family and friends and that made it very special.

What was your favorite part of your wedding day?

My favorite part of our wedding was seeing Travis and our letters to each other. I also loved being with all our close family and friends. This never gets to happen because we all live in different states. Family means so much to us and to be surround by everyone we love and care about made our day perfect.

What do you look forward to in the future now that you’re married?

Now that I’m married I look forward to growing each and everyday with Travis. I can’t wait for all of our awesome adventures together as a married couple! I look forward to forever and always having my best friend with me and the most handsome man to grow old with.

Congratulations to Courtney and Travis!

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